Using The K2 Addthis Extension Download
Grow Local has designed an easy to integrate social plugin for your K2 items and categories. The plugin includes the Facebook 'like' button, Twitters 'tweet' button, and the share this tab with over 330 social sites to share your content on
*UPDATE* K2 add this now includes the Google + 1 button for wider sharing and also an additional parameter field to add your Add this ID and begin tracking who's liking, tweeting and sharing your content.
Don't worry we made it nice and simple to use too! just go to your plugin manager and include or exclude the K2 article ID's you want to display the plugin on, it's that easy. Want to make it more personal? we thought of that too, the plugin comes with adjustable parameters for all your needs without complicating things. So what are you waiting for?! download and get sharing your favourite content the web has to offer.
To view the tutorial on how to use K2 Addthis click here.
If you like this plug-in please give our facebook page a like and we will ensure you receive future updates on this plugin
We have uploaded to v3.5 for Joomla 2.5 on 26 Jun 2012 which contains improved error checking, Google + 1 and the ability to track who's sharing your content through your add this ID . Please use this update.
*Please use v3.0 for Joomla 1.5 & v3.5 for Joomla 2.5*
Download attachments:
k2plg_leonmediaaddthis (943 Download)k2plg_leonmediaaddthis_v2.0 (587 Download)
k2plg_leonmediaaddthis_v2.5 (982 Download)
k2plg_leonmediaaddthis-v3.0 (1236 Download)
k2plg_leonmediaaddthis-v3.5 (2638 Download)